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Cau Pozenatto Lima, 35, poses in undated photo. He was found dead in Americana, Sao Paulo in Brazil. (Newsflash)

A Brazilian tattoo artist nicknamed ‘The Color Wizard’ has been arrested for allegedly stabbing to death and setting on fire a debtor.

Cau Pozenatto Lima, 35, poses in undated photo. He was found dead in Americana, Sao Paulo in Brazil. (Newsflash)

Wesley Carrera, 35, reportedly admitted killing 35-year-old teacher Caue Pozenatto Lima on 1st August.

Smoke was reportedly still coming from Caue’s charred body when workers discovered it the next morning in a ditch close to a dam in the city of Americana, Sao Paolo State, Brazil.

An unnamed resident told local media: “A white (Chevrolet) Onix passed at high speed, then came back, stopped near the ditch and stayed a little while.”

The source added: “When he left, people saw smoke. When they went to look, there was a body in flames.”

Chief investigator Lucio Antonio Petrocelli told local media Carrera had no regrets but declined to reveal his motive.

According to the investigations, Carrera and his victim left the tattooist’s studio in the city of Sumare – around 13 kilometres (eight miles) from where the corpse was found – in Caue’s car to buy drugs.

Carrera reportedly told the cops that he had been under the influence of drugs when he stabbed Caue after a spat got out of control.

Cau Pozenatto Lima, 35, poses in undated photo. He was found dead in Americana, Sao Paulo in Brazil. (Newsflash)

Local media say the men were arguing about the BRL 8,000 (GBP 1,290) Caue was reportedly owing to Carrera.

It has not been made clear whether the debts were linked to an inking job or an acquisition of illegal substances. However, the police reportedly suspect Carrera of having robbed Caue.

The tattooist – who has more than 37,000 fans on Instagram and calls himself ‘The Color Wizard’ – and his girlfriend Paloma Fernanda Aguiar were arrested on 4th August.

The 30-year-old woman denies any direct involvement in the murder but told cops that her husband had forced her to help him hide Caue’s body.

Cops confiscated cut-up documents and bank cards belonging to the teacher as they arrested Carrera, say local media.

While Carrera was put into custody at Sumare Prison, Aguiar awaits charges at Monte Mor Jail.

The pair were reportedly recorded by road security cameras driving the car Caue had been using – which was registered as owned by his mum – shortly after the teacher’s body was found.

Cau Pozenatto Lima, 35, poses in undated photo. He was found dead in Americana, Sao Paulo in Brazil. (Newsflash)

Investigators tracked down the parked car.

CCTV cameras showed a person cleaning the vehicle’s door handles before abandoning it just 200 metres (660 feet) from Carrera’s tattooing studio and apartment.

On Instagram, vile Carrera says “The sun shines for everyone” and emphasises that he has won 30 different awards for his tattooing skills.

The murder suspect states on social media: “Making skin dreams come true. Only grateful to God.”

Caue was working at Ramona Canhete Filho Municipal School in Sumare.

School directory board member Alexandra Packez told local media: “Caue was always a calm and cheerful person.”

His funeral – which took place in Sumare on 4th August – was attended by family members, colleagues and former students.

Wesley Carrera poses with Paloma Fernanda Aguiar in undated photo. He reportedly confessed to having killed Cau Pozenatto Lima, from Sumar, Brazil. (@wesleycarerrataattoo/Newsflash)

Sumare City Hall issued a statement saying: “We deeply regret the teacher’s cruel death.”

The Collective of Workers in Education of Sumare appealed to the authorities to work hard in clarifying the crime. They said: “We will miss your joy a lot.”

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