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Video shows an explosion during a gender reveal in Linhares, Brazil, Sunday, May 19, 2024. The father was left with minor burns. (Newsflash)

A gender reveal party went badly wrong when the dad’s head was engulfed in a fiery yellow explosion after a smoke bomb intended to reveal the baby’s gender went off unexpectedly.

Dayane Figueiredo, 32, and Carlos Henrique, 39, had reportedly invited around 15 friends and family to the gender reveal party in the municipality of Linhares, in Brazil’s state of Espirito Santo, earlier this month.

They were over the moon when the blue smoke started coming from the firecrackers, revealing that their fourth child was a boy.

But just seconds later, their happiness turned to horror as one of the bombs used to generate the coloured smoke malfunctioned, and suddenly exploded in Carlos’ face.

Dayane said they wanted others to see the video to know the dangers saying: “We thought it was better to spread the message to help raise awareness and prevent this from happening to other people.”

Video shows an explosion during a gender reveal in Linhares, Brazil, Sunday, May 19, 2024. The father was left with minor burns. (Newsflash)

Local media reported that he luckily sustained only minor burns in the incident. His mother, standing nearby, also narrowly escaped injury from the explosion as well but was left shocked.

She said: “A very big scare. We had organised the gender reveal party, and at the time, I had no idea what was happening.

“I had my back turned, so I didn’t see anything, I just felt the heat very close. We were aware even when. We saw the videos, but at the time, we didn’t understand what had really happened.”

Carlos, who refused to go to the hospital and instead treated the burns at home, said: “Everything was going smoothly, but in the end, the explosion happened, and until now, I’m trying to understand how God was so good that I came out intact and nothing serious happened to me, my wife or anyone else who was there.”

He explained how his only instinct was to get his five-month-pregnant wife to safety and said: “I had minor injuries to my neck.

Picture shows the family from Linhares, Brazil, undated. They had a gender reveal party. (Newsflash)

“At the time of the explosion, I moved to get my wife out, who was side by side with me.

“The explosion in the video seemed as if I was going to hit her, but I managed to get her out. That’s when the burns happened. on the neck, on the back of the head, head and ear.”

Dayane added: “It was scary. Anyone who sees the video thinks something serious happened.

“I had no idea of ​​the danger.”

The couple said they are now getting ready for the arrival of their baby in September, whom they decided to name Achilles.

Picture shows the Dayane Figueiredo, 32, and Carlos Henrique from Linhares, Brazil, undated. They had a gender reveal party. (Newsflash)

Dayane said: “The pregnancy is very calm, we are looking forward to it. Now we are going to start preparing the room and clothes.

“The baby’s brothers were scared, but they are counting the days until Achilles arrives, everyone is very anxious.”

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