You are currently viewing Gun Thugs Force Football Legend To Hand Over GBP 129,000 SUV
Frederico Chaves Guedes speaks in undated footage. He was robbed in Ipanema, Brazil. (@fredguedes9/CEN)

This is the moment Brazilian football legend Frederico Chaves Guedes is forced to take a dive as he is robbed of his GBP 129,000 SUV.

Terrifying security CCTV footage shows the former Brazilian national squad striker, known as Fred to fans, is ordered out of the car at gunpoint in Rio de Janeiro.

Fred, 40, was returning home from a match in his current role as football director with his old team Fluminense when three gunmen ambushed him.

As he gets out of the car, the gunmen order Fred to lie face down on the pavement on 23rd November as two of them jump into the Mercedes GLE 400.

Frederico Chaves Guedes speaks in undated footage. He was robbed in Ipanema, Brazil. (@fredguedes9/CEN)

The third leaps back into a white hatchback where a getaway driver is waiting and all four flee as the footage ends.

Amazingly the SUV was later found by police after it was abandoned by the gang.

But two mobile phones stolen from the vehicle are believed to be still missing, according to local media.

Criminals rob Fred Guedes in Ipanema, Brazil, Thursday, Nov. 23, 2023. The police recovered his stolen car. (CEN)

Civil Police say the Mercedes is undergoing forensic examination in a search for fingerprints and DNA left behind by the crooks.

An investigation is ongoing.

At the peak of his time as a player, Fred scored one of the fastest goals in professional football history, scoring just 3.17 seconds after kick-off during a cup match in Brazil.

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