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Photo shows the man who tried to rape a woman in Sao Paulo, Brazil, trying to do the same with another woman in Jardim Patente on Friday, November 03, 2023. He was confronted on street. (CEN)

This is the girl power moment two women batter a suspected rapist senseless after he tries to drag one of them into a car on an isolated street.

The CCTV footage of the confrontation in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on 3rd November begins as the man leads his would-be victim towards a car which seems to be under a tarpaulin.

It is only when the girl turns around that it can be seen that he has one hand clamped over her wrist forcing her arm up her back.

But suddenly the girl wrenches free and begins swinging blows at her attacker who flees as she hurls her handbag after him.

Not content, though, she chases after him and is joined quickly by a second woman who heard her cries for help.

As they corner the man they stamp him to the ground and kick, knee and punch him until the footage ends.

Photo shows the man who tried to rape a woman in Sao Paulo, Brazil, trying to do the same with another woman in Jardim Patente on Friday, November 03, 2023. He was confronted on street. (CEN)

Local media reported that he eventually got back on his feet and fled.

Now police have linked the attack to an earlier abduction attempt last month (October) where a hero bus driver and his passengers saved a woman, apparently from the same man.

CCTV footage showed the suspect marching a victim named as 39-year-old Maria Veronica Costa Correia along a road against her will.

Bus driver Paulo Sousa, 64, followed the pair and stopped to challenge the man before taking Maria to safety.

Local media reported that he has positively identified the man in the new video as the same suspect.

Photo shows the man who tried to rape a woman in Sao Paulo, Brazil, trying to do the same with another woman in Jardim Patente on Friday, November 03, 2023. He was confronted on street. (CEN)

He said the suspect’s distinctive cap and shoulder bag are identical. The way the suspect marched both women along with his arm around their waists also appears to be part of a pattern.

The police are said to be examining both videos using face recognition technology to confirm the identity of the suspect.

The investigation is ongoing.

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